TFile* f = TFile::Open("myfile.root",”NEW”);
TH1D* h1 = new TH1D(“h1”,”h1”,100,-5.,5.);
h1->FillRandom(“gaus”); // fill histogram with random data
delete f;
$> hadd fileOut.root file1.root file2.root file3.root
TChain object is a list of Root files containing the same tree. As an example, assume we have 3 Root files called file1.root, file2.root, file3.root. Each file contains one tree called "T". We can create a chain with the following statements:
TChain *chain=new TChain("tree");
The class TChain is derived from the class TTree . For example, to generate an histogram corresponding to the attribute "x" in tree "tree" by processing sequentially the 3 files of this chain, we can do:
Chain files with loop
TChain *chain=new TChain("chain", "chainname");
const Int_t fNFile=11;
Int_t iFile;
for (iFile=0; iFile<fNFile; ++iFile) {
chain->Add(Form("../anadata/CALIB_RUN%d.root", iFile+10));
TFile *infile = new TFile("input.root");
TFile *fout = new TFile("output.root","recreate");
• Faster to read – if you only want a subset of data members
• Slower to write due to the large number of branches
• For reading a subset of data recommend to use
TBranch* b_MyBranch;
b_MyBranch->GetEntry(ientry);//name of branch MyBranch
it will read only the required branch data (big difference in case of trees with many branches)
• Alternatively can use also
tree->SetBranchStatus("*", 0);
MyTree->Scan("var1:var2:var3", "var1>0");
• Use the same syntax as TTree::Draw()
tree->Draw("counts>>h"); // 生成以"h"为名的histogram
tree->Draw("counts >>+ h") // 如果已存在"h"为名的histogram,将数据追加到“h”上
tree->Draw("counts>>h(100, 0, 100)" // nbin,xmin,xmax
tree->Draw("counts>>h(100, 0, )" // nbin,xmin,不指定xmax
tree->Draw("counts>>h(100, ,100 )" // nbin,不指定xmin,xmax
TH1D *h1 = new TH1D("hoge", "hoge", 100, 0, 100);
TH2,TH3 以此类推
用2.的方式生成的histogram默认为Float_t型,对每个bin上的数有限制,在数目超过$10^5$时显示会有问题 (当前版本ROOT的bug)。此时推荐用3.的方式。
Once TTree::Draw has been called, it is possible to access useful information still stored in the TTree object via the following functions:
-GetSelectedRows() // return the number of entries accepted by the
//selection expression. In case where no selection
//was specified, returns the number of entries processed.
-GetV1() //returns a pointer to the float array of V1
-GetV2() //returns a pointer to the float array of V2
-GetV3() //returns a pointer to the float array of V3
-GetW() //returns a pointer to the double array of Weights
//where weight equal the result of the selection expression.
where V1,V2,V3 correspond to the expressions in
TGraph *gr = new TGraph(tree->GetSelectedRows(),ntuple->GetV2(), ntuple->GetV1());
gr->Draw("ap"); //draw graph in current pad creates a TGraph object with a number of points corresponding to the number of entries selected by the expression "pz>4", the x points of the graph being the px values of the Tree and the y points the py values.
Important note: By default TTree::Draw creates the arrays obtained with GetV1, GetV2, GetV3, GetW with a length corresponding to the parameter fEstimate. By default fEstimate=10000 and can be modified via TTree::SetEstimate. A possible recipee is to do
You must call SetEstimate if the expected number of selected rows is greater than 10000.
You can use the option "goff" to turn off the graphics output of TTree::Draw in the above example.
tree->Draw("x:y",tcut); // alternative: tr->Project("", "x:y", tcut);
TVectorD *x_vec = new TVectorD(tree->GetSelectedRows(), tr->GetV1());
TVectorD *y_vec = new TVectorD(tree->GetSelectedRows(), tr->GetV2());
TH1.Print Name = h, Entries= 172374006, Total sum= 1.70879e+06
Title = e
NbinsX= 10, xmin= 500, xmax=510
TH1.Print Name = h, Entries= 172374006, Total sum= 1.70879e+06
fSumw[1]=106573, x=500.5
fSumw[2]=114495, x=501.5
fSumw[3]=124032, x=502.5
fSumw[4]=122404, x=503.5
fSumw[5]=117075, x=504.5
fSumw[6]=120646, x=505.5
fSumw[7]=132137, x=506.5
fSumw[8]=163858, x=507.5
fSumw[9]=258089, x=508.5
fSumw[10]=449478, x=509.5
TH1.Print Name = h, Entries= 172374006, Total sum= 1.70879e+06
fSumw[0]=1.67772e+07, x=499.5
fSumw[1]=106573, x=500.5
fSumw[2]=114495, x=501.5
fSumw[3]=124032, x=502.5
fSumw[4]=122404, x=503.5
fSumw[5]=117075, x=504.5
fSumw[6]=120646, x=505.5
fSumw[7]=132137, x=506.5
fSumw[8]=163858, x=507.5
fSumw[9]=258089, x=508.5
fSumw[10]=449478, x=509.5
fSumw[11]=1.67772e+07, x=510.5
gStyle->SetStatStyle(0);//remove statistics
gStyle->SetPalette(1)//colz pattern
g++ Good.C `root-config --cflags` `root-config --glibs` -o Good